Chappy Chris here. 

I have been the school chaplain at Maleny State School for a year now.  I have a background in social work and student welfare.  I grew up on the Blackall range and have recently moved back here with my husband and two children. 

The chaplaincy service at my school runs breakfast club, lunch time clubs and a mentor program.  I also assist in classrooms, tuckshop, library, really wherever they need me.  I work with individual students, staff members, groups, classes and families to meet needs identified whether they be spiritual, physical, emotional or social needs.

Even though chaplains are unable to speak about Jesus unless asked we are able to tell our own story of faith and we are able to speak to others about spirituality if initiated.  I see my role as representing Christ in our school community, as a vessel for God to use.  My prayer is that the community will see Christ in me and will want to know more.  I love the supportive Maleny and surrounds community and love the fact that many of the mentors in our program come from our local churches. 

You can support the service by praying, giving financially or volunteering to help out at our school.  If you ever want to speak to me I can be contacted through the school at 54998333 or email

2 Corinthians 4:7.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.